
Docker uses Linux-specific kernel features and therefore does not run natively on Windows. Docker Toolbox solves this by providing a command line interface to the docker engine running on a virtual machine equiped with a Linux kernel.

To use docker on Windows, download the Docker Toolbox at

Steps to take

Make sure to select all components, only "Kitematic" is not required (GUI) in this course, but may be installed to manage containers more easily.

If you already have GIT (a code version control system) installed you can also leave this unchecked.

Next make sure to add docker binaries to your environment path!

Ready for installation

Launching the CLI

To start using the Docker Toolbox find the "Docker QuickStart Terminal" and launch it.

The first time you run the terminal app it will setup a virtual machine and do some configurations.

Shortly after the CLI should become available.

You are now ready to start using Docker.

Last updated